Employment Requirements
FBI Fingerprinting on-line registration: https://uenroll.identogo.com/
(School Code: 1KG6XN)
Criminal Record Check: https://epatch.pa.gov
Child Abuse History Check: Child Abuse Clearance Website
Once this information has been completed and secured, please mail it to:
Mr. Ralph J. Cecere, Jr., Superintendent
Homer-Center School District
65 Wildcat Lane
Homer City , PA 15748-1602
Homer-Center School District
65 Wildcat Lane
Homer City , PA 15748-1602
Substitute Teaching
In order to substitute for the Homer-Center School District , applicants must hold a valid Pennsylvania teaching certificate. A copy of this certificate must be submitted to the district administration office, along with the following items:
- Pennsylvania Standard Teaching Application (click on the link below to retrieve this application from PDE)
- Cover letter and resume
- Letters of recommendation (minimum of two)
- TB testing results from your doctor (must be dated within one year of application)
- FBI Fingerprinting (within one year of application)
- Copies of your Act 34 and 151 clearances (must be dated within one year of application)
- Act 168 Sexual Misconduct Disclosure Forms - from all previous employers where you had any contact with children.
- Copies of your college transcripts
- Original Act 36 letter from your college (if certification is pending after graduation).
- Homer-Center School District "Substitute Teacher Application". A PDF version of this file is attached to the top of this page.
After the district administration office has received all of the information, your name will be submitted for approval at the next monthly Board of School Directors meeting. Once approved, you are eligible to begin substitute teaching.
Payroll Information
Reimbursement for professional substitutes is as follows:
1-20 days $100/day (half day $50)
21-50 days $110/day
51-80 days $120/day
81+ days $125/day
Payroll deduction for social security, state unemployment compensation and appropriate taxes will be deducted. Payroll is by direct deposit only and no formal checks will be distributed to employees. Please bring a voided check with you your first day of substituting.
On the first day as a new substitute, please obtain and complete payroll papers at the Administration Office (your driver's license and social security card will be required to complete the W-4 and I-9 forms). There is a period of one to three weeks from the date of work to the date of receipt of your paycheck. A copy of our pay schedule will be given to you on the first day that you substitute.
On the first day as a new substitute, please obtain and complete payroll papers at the Administration Office (your driver's license and social security card will be required to complete the W-4 and I-9 forms). There is a period of one to three weeks from the date of work to the date of receipt of your paycheck. A copy of our pay schedule will be given to you on the first day that you substitute.
Substitute Calling Procedure
Homer-Center School District now uses the automated calling system Red Rover. Once you are approved as a substitute by the Board of School Directors, you will get an email explaining how to join Red Rover and be able to pick up open jobs. If a substitute cannot be gained through this system, then you may still be phoned by a designated building secretary to schedule substitute work.
If you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact the superintendent's secretary at 724-479-8080 .