Homer-Center Education Foundation » Ed D'Aurelio Music Project

Ed D'Aurelio Music Project

Mr. Ed D'Aurelio was a 1961 graduate of Laura Lamar.  He was a music teacher at Homer-Center from 1971-1997 and served two stints as marching band director from 1971-1983 and 1987-1996.  With sadness the Homer-Center School District announced his passing on March 28, 2021.
At the time of his passing, Mr. D'Aurelio's family announced the establishment of the Ed D'Aurelio Music Project through the Homer-Center Education Foundation.  The goal of the Ed D'Aurelio Music Project is to provide mini grants to students in the Homer-Center music program in grades 7-12 who may need help in purchasing an instrument or to acquire lessons to improve their musicianship or to grow their passion for the performing arts.
Contributions to the Ed D'Aurelio Music Project can be made to the Homer-Center Education Foundation online by going to https://www.convergepay.com/hosted-payments...
To make a donation by check
Make Check Payable: Homer-Center Education Foundation
Memo Line: Ed D'Aurelio Music Project
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Homer-Center Education Foundation
65 Wildcat Lane
Homer City PA 15748